

OLFA BLADES are extremely sharp ! Handle with care. Safety goggles should be worn when using OLFA cutting tools. Dispose of used blades with great care. Keep out of the reach of children !

Extra heavy-duty

OLFA model XH-1

Comfortable anti-slip maximum performance cutter for your toughes.

This extra heavy-duty knife is part of the X OLFA Design Series™, a powerful line of anti-slip grip cutting tools combining exceptional performance with innovation. Features a ratchet lock, cushion grip for maximum comfort and control, heavy gauge stainless steel blade channel that holds blade tight and chemical resistant handle for easy cleaning. Easy tool-free blade change for convenience. The blades made from high quality carbon tool steel are produced using OLFA precise multi-step production process for unparalleled sharpness and superior edge retention. Long lasting, durable snap-off blades - a new sharp edge with each snap. Uses HB replacement blades.

X Design innovative ComfortGrip Series

X Design innovative ComfortGrip Series

X Design Series™ combines exceptional performance with innovation, adding a powerful new line of anti-slip grip cutting tools to the OLFA family of premium products. The anti-slip grip comfortable handle is made from fiberglass conjoined with elastomer for exceptional performance. Features a stainless steel blade channel that holds the blade tight for stability and safety. Chemical resistant for easy cleaning.

The Standard-Duty and Heavy-Duty versions include the ExcelBlack ultrasharp blade for superior sharpness. These premium snap-off blades are 25% sharper than OLFA AB and LB blades. The high quality carbon tool steel blades are produced using OLFA's precise multi-step production process for superior edge retention.



It fits to

OLFA blade HB

OLFA blade HB

Extra heavy-duty snap-off blade

OLFA blade HBB

OLFA blade HBB

ExcelBlack extra heavy-duty snap-off blade

OLFA blade HSWB-1

OLFA blade HSWB-1

Extra heavy-duty saw blade

OLFA model DC-5

OLFA model DC-5

Blade disposal holster